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Touring w/Chuck Berry
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Chuck Berry- An American Legend Chuck Berry- An American Legend

Chuck Berry on Tour with The Burners

A Selection of Tours with Chuck Berry.

Chuck Berry plays live featuring The Burners on You Tube in Raleigh, NC

The Burners have toured extensively with Chuck Berry,  we will be uploading links
here to some of the music played at the concerts. Chuck Berry is a master musician
and has greatly enhanced the depth of knowledge of music for The  Burners in
the time they spent with him.  He is truly an American Icon.


We Are working on this Page.
Please pardon our appearance as we are under construction.

Chuck Berry plays My Ding-a-Ling at Raleigh Convention Center


|Welcome| |Video Projection| |Stage Production| |Talent Booking| |Party Extras| |Shake, Rattle, & Roll Party| |Touring w/Chuck Berry| |Shake, Rattle 'N' Roll All Stars| |Internet Links| |About Us| |Our Newest Projects| |Other|